Sponsored Products
Zone sponsored product

The recently launched Zone placement allows sponsored products to appear within a carousel on the Zone page. The way it works is that sku’s are matched based on their categories and will only surface within their organic Zone page. The aim of this placement is to give greater visibility to products. It is a wonderful way to capture customers who are already shopping within that zone. This placement is based on the CPC model (minimum bids starting from £0.45).
Case study:
35% of sessions that viewed a zone page transacted*
Browse – in grid sponsored product

The Browse in grid placement allows sponsored products to be featured under the product category being browsed. This placement is excellent for boosting product visibility and is great for surfacing new products to customers who are browsing the site. This placement is based on the CPC model (minimum bids starting from £0.45).
Case study:
Average ROAS for this placement is 349%*
Check out before you go

Check-out before you go is one of the most sought-after placements. This placement allows your products to be advertised and displayed as the last thing seen by your customers before checking out of their carts. It is a great opportunity for you to showcase any newly developed product or products that are on offer. It is also a great way for you to capture last minute conversions. This placement is based on the CPC model (minimum bids starting from £0.45).
Case study:
The average return on advertising spent (ROAS) for this placement is 103%*

The Cross-sell placement allows sponsored products to be shown next to the nominated product you wish to sell alongside in the favourites and product description pages.
It is a great way to introduce customers to complimentary products and newly developed products. The key objective is to drive sales and increase customer awareness. This placement is based on the CPC model (minimum bids starting from £0.45).
Offers sponsored product

Offers sponsored product displays within the Featured Offers Homepage product carousel and the subsequent relevant offer pages. This placement aims for you to provide better value for your customers. It’s also great for appealing to your more offer savvy customers and is more powerful than any other shelf in hierarchy for adds to basket.* It is based on the CPC model with a Minimum starting bid of £0.45.
Search in grid

The Search in grid placement is one of the most popular we have for Sainsbury’s. In this placement, clients would need to select the most relevant terms they want to surface against and will appear in the top 3 of products searched by customers.
This placement is great for getting into customer baskets across both desktop and mobile with circa 21% of add to baskets coming from search and is based on a CPC (Cost Per Click) model with a minimum starting bid of £0.45 and the ability to set your preferred bid per search term.
Search app

This placement will appear as one of the top 3 product results of a customer’s search and provides a fantastic opportunity for getting into customers baskets on the App where circa 20% of Sainsbury’s Online visits are via the Sainsbury’s App.* The placement is great for getting new products in front of your customers as well as highlighting promotions, bigger packs, seasonal lines and low-ranking products. This placements is based upon the CPC model with a minimum starting bid £0.45 and similarly to the desktop version clients can set individual bids for each search term.
Search below grid sponsored product

The Search below grid placement allows sponsored products to be surfaced at the bottom of the search results page. Ads will serve based on a match between the category of your sku and the skus that have organically been returned in a customer’s search.
Search below grid is incredible for getting newness in front of customers, it is also great for featuring products on promotion, seasonal lines or low ranking products. This placement is based on the CPC model (minimum bids starting from £0.45).
Case study:
The average ROAS for this placement is 205%*
Zone above -grid banner

These appear in the “Zone” your product organically falls within. This is an exciting and creative way to get your product range in front of shoppers as they’re navigating through their journey on the site. It is also a captivating way to highlight promotions and grow brand awareness to customers shopping within that Zone.
This placement is based on the CPI model (minimum bids starting from £0.05).
Browse in grid banner

Browse in grid banners appear within the hierarchy journey. These banners are brilliant for targeting customers who are already shopping on that shelf. These banners are great for highlighting promotions and launching new product developments. It’s also useful for highlighting complimentary products on relevant shelves.
This placement is based on the CPI model (minimum bids starting from £0.05).
Case study:
Browse in grid banner content have an average exposure rate of 95% across desktop*
Offers homepage above grid banner

The Offers homepage above grid banner allows sponsored products to be surfaced on the top of the homepage. These banners are an excellent way to highlight products on promotion and seasonal lines across our desktop website. It is a wonderful way to engage with customers who are offers driven. To appear in this placement, SKU’s must be on offer. This placement is based on the CPI model (minimum bids starting from £0.05)
Case study:
41% of sessions that viewed the offers page transacted*
Search in grid banner

Search in grid banners will appear at the top of the results when customers search for the search terms you are bidding. With this powerful placement, you can target your banner on key search terms, types of products or complimentary terms to give inspiration to customers. This display banner is ideal for showcasing a range of newly developed products, offers or seasonal offers and driving brand awareness through brand messages. This placement is based on the CPI model (minimum bids starting from £0.05).
Search below grid banner

Search below grid banners will appear at the bottom of the results when customers search for the search terms you are bidding. It’s great for getting your products in front of customers using the search function onsite. This display banner is powerful for highlighting seasonal ranges and driving brand awareness. This placement is based on the CPI model (minimum bids starting from £0.05).
Favourites banner

The Favourites banners show in the customer Favourites section of Sainsbury’s website. This placement is ideal for getting into customer baskets and targeting the high proportion of customers who shop via their Favourites (circa 57% of where product add to carts come from)*. It is great for promoting and bringing awareness of newly developed products to the forefront of the customer’s mind. In a similar way to the search banner, it is great for increasing your brand awareness to customers and promoting seasonal lines. This placement is based on the CPI model (minimum bids starting from £0.05).
Enhanced Media
Branded Shops

A first of it’s kind, Branded shops allows you to hold a long term space on Sainsbury’s.co.uk to host your portfolio of branded skus. Use this placement to help customers navigate your products by publishing your brand assets and communicating your USPs. Branded shops provides a shop -in – shop experience by allowing customers to see all of your products in one place.
Case Study:
A recent Impulse Branded Shop shelf drove over £100,000 in incremental sales over a three-month period.
From £15,000 per 6 months*. Please contact your Nectar360 contact for an exact quote for your desired execution of Branded Shop.
*Dependent on level of execution